translated text of automatic form

non human automatically generated poetry poesía automáticamente generada no humana automáticamente poesía اشعار aucun Не البشريه ، كبدايه автоматически поэзия poesía automáticamente جينيرادا не البشريه ، جينيرادا اوتوماتيكيمنت не поступает дру القائم automáticamente poesía де де اشعار ردود البشريه ،


Jey Key listening habits

The time when radio 1 is sharp (05)
Two Kindites are strange, (3.43)
3 final requests (2: 23)
Supervision of four heads (2: 06)
Roar 5 (3: 08)
(05/15) Six sin impressions
7 citizens (3: 07)
8 scenes (3: 30)
Unlimited 9 minds (2: 29)
10 laughter (because of 2 regrettable: 59)
Disclosure 11 (4: 17)
12 opportunities which meet (3: 07)
Image of 13 (Cindy) (19)
14 it enjoys, the upset “of n” (2: 05)
There is an insanity 15, (2: 58)
16 it roars permanently, (2: 01)
Center (17 songs from 2: 54)
18 and 16 (2: 32)
Angle of 19 (2: 40)
The heaven sent 20, (3: 38)
21 see (3: 47)
22 Abeblebouch (2: 24)

23.8.07 ck
ohow. laugh.tock.
4daddle doc.DOC.
in sexual faint.


Mnogiebyliveruyuschimi. mystremimsyarodamissionerskoynashey myselfs, olkotemvnevezhestvevremya. knowledge Mnogiebyliveruyuschimi. Mystremimsyarodamissionerskoynashey myselfs, olkotemvnevezhestvevremya. (Ilivyetovozmozhnostispravitnepravilnobednyhlyudey kotoryebylidovedenydovashegoprisutstviyaprosvetleniya eslinespasenie? Hotyamnogieprotivnikireligiivybirayutbyvshey, boleeosmotritelnuyupolitikupredlagayaposlednim. Boleechemveroyatnoreligioznyhinitsiatorom, skemvygovoritebudetredkostalkivayutsyakto - tosmogispravitegosnekotorymiillyuziyamivybranyzaprosyigorkimzamechaniem. PribytieSvideteleyIegovyilimormonovvdver, Eeley Campus KrestovyypohodzaHristamissionervvashemobschezhitiesleduetrassmatrzmozhnostdlyarazoblacheniyareligiivtselomioBiblii N particular, dlyamoshennichestva, those. Pobedadostigaetsyaneskrytsyasmestaprestupleniya, sense, chtovyvyigrali, poskolkuoninesmoglikonvertirovatVas, notolkoostavayasnabarrikadahipokazatimoshibochnostihputi. Dokonstruktivnogodialogamozhetproishodit, Odnakoapologetyimissionerydolzhnysnachalapokazalioshibochnostihputi. Prezhdechemonisobirayutsyaprislushivatsyaktomu, chtoVypredlagaete, onisnachaladolzhnybytubezhdenychto - tonaperekosyakstogo, chtoonischitayut. Tolkokogdaoninachinayutpriznavatslabostichastsvoihsamyhzavetnyhubezhdeniymozhetdeystvitelnostoitstolknutsyastatzhiznesposobnoy. Idlyatogo, chtoproizoydet, Naiboleeverebudetdokazat, chtoproishoditottoy, kotoruyuonisamoedorogoe, aimennoihliteraturyiistochnikov. EslipolagaetsyanaprivlechenienauchnoyiliistoricheskoyinformatsiiiznoyiliistoricheskoyinformatsiiizBiblii N example, chtobydokazatBibliioshibochnovomnogihotnosheniyah, religioznyepropagandistyprostoskazat : "Yaneto chtoVyimeete. EsliongovoritBibliya, yavlyaetsyalozhnym, toonooshibochnoe. Why? Additionally PoskolkuBibliya-biblical KNOWLEDGE Additionally, P S


ase su micrófono

japanese singer
grabs her microphone
silent freezing night,
you whisper
cantante japonés
ase su micrófono
noche que congela silenciosa,
tú whisper
it japanese to singer
grabs to her microphone
silent freezing night,
you to wisper
Japanese singer
roast his microphone
night that congeals quiet,
you to wisper
cantante japonés
ase su micrófono
noche que congela silenciosa,
japonés del cantante
micrófono del su del ase
silenciosa del congela del que del noche,
susurro del tú
él japonés al cantante
ganchos agarradores a su micrófono
noche que congela silenciosa,
tú al wisper
Cantante japonés
asar tu micrófono
noche que congela silenciosamente,
tú al wisper
it japanese to singer
grabs to her microphone
silent freezing night,
you to whisper
Japanese singer
roast his microphone
night that congeals quiet,
you to whisper
it japanese to to singer
grabs to to her microphone
silent freezing night,
you to to wisper
Japanese to singer
roast his microphone
night that congeals quiet,
you to to wisper
Japanese singer
roast his microphone
night that congeals quiet,
you whisper
Japanese of the singer
microphone of his of roasts
quiet of it congeals of that of the night,
whisper of you
Japanese he to the singer
agarradores hooks to its microphone
night that congeals quiet,
you when wisper
Japanese singer
to roast your microphone
night that congeals quiet,
you when wisper
The japanese singer
Her microphone is grasped
Silent freezing night,
It whispers
japonés of cantante
micrófono of su of ase
silenciosa of congela of que of noche,
The whisper of tú
In singer Japanese that
Grab to her microphone
Silent freezing night,
To wisper
The japanese singer
Burn that microphone
The night when it congeals gently,
To wisper
japonés of cantante
micrófono of su of ase
silenciosa of congela of que of noche,
japoness del cantante
ase of del of microfonoo del su
del que of silenciosa del congela del noche,
susurro del tú
cantante of Al of japonés of él
micrófono of agarradores su of ganchos
silenciosa of congela of que of noche,
wisper of Al of tú
Japonés of Cantante
micrófono of asar tu
silenciosamente of congela of que of noche,
wisper of Al of tú
In singer Japanese that
Grab to her microphone
Silent freezing night,
It whispers
The japanese singer
Burn that microphone
The night when it congeals gently,
It whispers
In singer Japanese that
To her microphone grab to
Silent freezing night,
To wisper to
Japanese to singer
Burn that microphone
The night when it congeals gently,
To wisper to
The japanese singer
Burn that microphone
The night when it congeals gently,
It whispers
Japanese of singer
That microphone of burning meat
That of that quiet night it congeals,
Your whisper
Him to Japanese singer
The hook of agarradores to microphone
The night when it congeals gently,
Time wisper
The japanese singer
In order to burn your microphone,
The night when it congeals gently,
Time wisper
Le chanteur japonais
Son microphone est saisi
Nuit de congélation silencieuse,
Elle chuchote
japonés de cantante
micrófono de su d'ase
silenciosa de congela de que de noche,
Le chuchotement du tú
Dans le Japonais de chanteur cela
Encavateur à son microphone
Nuit de congélation silencieuse,
Au wisper
Le chanteur japonais
Brûler ce microphone
La nuit où il congèle doucement,
Au wisper
japonés de cantante
micrófono de su d'ase
silenciosa de congela de que de noche,
japoness del cantante
ase de del de microfonoo del su
del que de noche de del de silenciosa del congela,
del de susurro
cantante d'Al des japonés de l'él
micrófono du su d'agarradores des ganchos
silenciosa de congela de que de noche,
wisper d'Al de tú
Japonés de Cantante
micrófono de tu asar
silenciosamente de congela de que de noche,
wisper d'Al de tú
Dans le Japonais de chanteur cela
Encavateur à son microphone
Nuit de congélation silencieuse,
Elle chuchote
Le chanteur japonais
Brûler ce microphone
La nuit où il congèle doucement,
Il chuchote
Dans le Japonais de chanteur cela
À son encavateur de microphone à
Nuit de congélation silencieuse,
Au wisper à
Japonais au chanteur
Brûler ce microphone
La nuit où il congèle doucement,
Au wisper à
Le chanteur japonais
Brûler ce microphone
La nuit où il congèle doucement,
Il chuchote
Japonais de chanteur
Ce microphone de viande brûlante
Cela de cette nuit tranquille elle congèle,
Votre chuchotement
Il au chanteur japonais
Le crochet des agarradores au microphone
La nuit où il congèle doucement,
Wisper de Temps
Le chanteur japonais
Afin de brûler votre microphone,
La nuit où il congèle doucement,
Wisper de Temps
The Japanese singer
Its microphone is seized
Harms of quiet congelation,
It whispers
japonés of laying
micrófono of known ESA
silenciosa of froze of that of noche,
The whisper of the tú
In the Japanese of singer that
Encavator with his microphone
Harms of quiet congelation,
With the wisper
The Japanese singer
To burn this microphone
The night when it freezes gently,
With the wisper
japonés of laying
micrófono of known ESA
silenciosa of froze of that of noche,
will susurras
laying japoness LED
ESA of LED of microfonoo LED known
LED that of noche of LED of silenciosa LED froze,
LED of susurro
laying Al of japonés of the él
micrófono of known agarradores of the ganchos
silenciosa of froze of that of noche,
Al wisper of tú
Japonés of Laying
micrófono of you asar
silenciosamente of froze of that of noche,
Al wisper of tú
In the Japanese of singer that
Encavator with his microphone
Harms of quiet congelation,
It whispers
The Japanese singer
To burn this microphone
The night when it freezes gently,
It whispers
In the Japanese of singer that
With its encavator of microphone with
Harms of quiet congelation,
With the wisper with
Japanese with the singer
To burn this microphone
The night when it freezes gently,
With the wisper with
The Japanese singer
To burn this microphone
The night when it freezes gently,
It whispers
Japanese of singer
This extreme meat microphone
That of this quiet night it freezes,
Your whisper
It with the Japanese singer
The hook of the agarradores to the microphone
The night when it freezes gently,
Wisper de Temps
The Japanese singer
In order to burn your microphone,
The night when it freezes gently,
Wisper de Temps
Japanese singer
Her microphone is
Damage congelation quiet,
She whispers
japonés bookmarks
micrófono known ESA
silenciosa in frozen, the "Night of
You Cool
In Japanese singer that
Encavator with his microphone
Damage congelation quiet,
With Wisper
Japanese singer
Log microphone
At night, when it is not accurate,
With Wisper
japonés bookmarks
micrófono known ESA
silenciosa in frozen, the "Night of
will susurras
installation japoness LED
ESA from LED LED aware of microfonoo
LED that the "Night of LED LED silenciosa failure,
LED from susurro
Al lay in japonés in Mazar-e-Sharif
micrófono known agarradores in ganchos
silenciosa in frozen, the "Night of
Al you from Wisper
Japonés to favourites
micrófono you "Asar"
silenciosamente in frozen, the "Night of
Al you from Wisper
In Japanese singer that
Encavator with his microphone
Damage congelation quiet,
She whispers
Japanese singer
Log microphone
At night, when it is not accurate,
She whispers
In Japanese singer that
With microphone in encavator
Damage congelation quiet,
As with Wisper
Japanese singer
Log microphone
At night, when it is not accurate,
As with Wisper
Japanese singer
Log microphone
At night, when it is not accurate,
She whispers
Japanese singer
This is a very lean microphone
That this quiet night, it blocks,
Your whispers
He was Japanese singer
Hook agarradores of microphone
At night, when it is not accurate,
Wisper de Staff
Japanese singer
To Skin microphone
At night, when it is not accurate,
Wisper de Staff
Cantante japonés
Su micrófono es
Tranquilidad del congelation del daños,
Ella susurra
bookmarks de los japonés
ESA sabido micrófono
silenciosa en congelado, la “noche de
Te refrescas
En cantante japonés eso
Encavator con su micrófono
Tranquilidad del congelation del daños,
Con Wisper
Cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
En la noche, cuando no es exacto,
Con Wisper
bookmarks de los japonés
ESA sabido micrófono
silenciosa en congelado, la “noche de
susurras de la voluntad
japoness LED de la instalación
ESA de LED LED enterado de microfonoo
LED que la “noche de la falta del silenciosa del LED LED,
LED del susurro
El Al pone en japonés en Mazar-e-Sharif
agarradores sabidos micrófono en ganchos
silenciosa en congelado, la “noche de
Al tú de Wisper
Japonés a los favoritos
micrófono tú “Asar”
silenciosamente en congelado, la “noche de
Al tú de Wisper
En cantante japonés eso
Encavator con su micrófono
Tranquilidad del congelation del daños,
Ella susurra
Cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
En la noche, cuando no es exacto,
Ella susurra
En cantante japonés eso
Con el micrófono en encavator
Tranquilidad del congelation del daños,
Como con Wisper
Cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
En la noche, cuando no es exacto,
Como con Wisper
Cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
En la noche, cuando no es exacto,
Ella susurra
Cantante japonés
Esto es un micrófono muy magro
Que esta noche reservada, él bloquea,
Tus susurros
Él era cantante japonés
Agarradores del gancho del micrófono
En la noche, cuando no es exacto,
Wisper de Staff
Cantante japonés
Al micrófono de la piel
En la noche, cuando no es exacto,
Wisper de Staff
Japanese singer
Its microphone is
Tranquillity of congelation of the damages,
It whispers
bookmarks of the Japanese
THAT known microphone
quiet in congealed, the “night of
You refresh
In Japanese singer that
Encavator with its microphone
Tranquillity of congelation of the damages,
With Wisper
Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
At night, when he is not exact,
With Wisper
bookmarks of the Japanese
THAT known microphone
quiet in congealed, the “night of
you whisper of the will
japoness LED of the installation
THAT of LED LED aware microfonoo
LED that the “night of the lack of the quiet one of LED LED,
LED of the whisper
The A puts in Japanese in Churn
known agarradores microphone in hooks
quiet in congealed, the “night of
To you of Wisper
Japanese to the favorites
microphone you “To roast”
quiet in congealed, the “night of
To you of Wisper
In Japanese singer that
Encavator with its microphone
Tranquillity of congelation of the damages,
It whispers
Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
At night, when he is not exact,
It whispers
In Japanese singer that
With the microphone in encavator
Tranquillity of congelation of the damages,
Like with Wisper
Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
At night, when he is not exact,
Like with Wisper
Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
At night, when he is not exact,
It whispers
Japanese singer
This is a very thin microphone
That tonight reserved, it blocks,
Your whispers
It was singing Japanese
Agarradores of the hook of the microphone
At night, when he is not exact,
Wisper of Staff
Japanese singer
To the microphone of the skin
At night, when he is not exact,
Wisper of Staff
取付けのjaponess led
led ledのわかっているmicrofonooのそれ
led 「led ledの静かなものの欠乏の夜、
The japanese singer
There is that microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That whispers
Guidebook of Japanese
That the microphone which is known
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
It becomes new
Singer that of Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
Using Wisper
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, he is not strict,
Using Wisper
Guidebook of Japanese
That the microphone which is known
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
Whisper of will
Japoness led of installation
That of microfonoo where led led is recognized
Night of scarcity of quiet ones of led “led led,
Led of whisper
You put in place a with Japanese of the 撹 mammary organ
The microphone of agarradores where the hook is known
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
In you of Wisper
Japanese to taste
The microphone” it should burn “
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
In you of Wisper
Singer that of Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That whispers
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, he is not strict,
That whispers
Singer that of Japan
Using the microphone of encavator
The silence of congelation of damage,
Like Wisper
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, he is not strict,
Like Wisper
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, he is not strict,
That whispers
The japanese singer
This is the very thin microphone
The tonight being guaranteed, it obstructs that,
Your whisper
That had sung Japanese
Agarradores of hook of microphone
When the night, he is not strict,
Wisper of staff
The japanese singer
In microphone of skin
When the night, he is not strict,
Wisper of staff
El cantante japonés
Hay ese micrófono
El silencio del congelation del daño,
Ese susurros
Guía turística del japonés
Que el micrófono se sabe que
Congela ser, reservado, “la noche
Llega a ser nuevo
Cantante que de Japón
Encavator del micrófono
El silencio del congelation del daño,
Usar Wisper
El cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
Cuando la noche, él no es terminante,
Usar Wisper
Guía turística del japonés
Que el micrófono se sabe que
Congela ser, reservado, “la noche
Susurro de la voluntad
Japoness condujo de la instalación
El del microfonoo donde condujo conducido se reconoce
Noche de la escasez de la tranquilidad unas de conducido “condujeron conducido,
Conducido de susurro
Pusiste en el lugar a con el japonés del órgano mamario del 撹
El micrófono de los agarradores donde se sabe el gancho
Congela ser, reservado, “la noche
En ti de Wisper
Japonés al gusto
El micrófono” que debe quemarse “
Congela ser, reservado, “la noche
En ti de Wisper
Cantante que de Japón
Encavator del micrófono
El silencio del congelation del daño,
Ese susurros
El cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
Cuando la noche, él no es terminante,
Ese susurros
Cantante que de Japón
Usar el micrófono del encavator
El silencio del congelation del daño,
Como Wisper
El cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
Cuando la noche, él no es terminante,
Como Wisper
El cantante japonés
Micrófono del registro
Cuando la noche, él no es terminante,
Ese susurros
El cantante japonés
Éste es el micrófono muy fino
La esta noche que es garantizada, obstruye eso,
Tu susurro
Eso había cantado japonés
Agarradores del gancho del micrófono
Cuando la noche, él no es terminante,
Wisper del personal
El cantante japonés
En el micrófono de la piel
Cuando la noche, él no es terminante,
Wisper del personal
The Japanese singer
There is that microphone
The silence of congelation of the damage,
That whispers
Tour guide of the Japanese
That the microphone knows that
It congeals to be, reserved, “the night
It gets to be new
Singer who of Japan
Encavator of the microphone
The silence of congelation of the damage,
To use Wisper
The Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
When the night, it is not final,
To use Wisper
Tour guide of the Japanese
That the microphone knows that
It congeals to be, reserved, “the night
Whisper of the will
Japoness lead of the installation
The one of microfonoo where it lead lead recognizes
Night of the shortage of the lead tranquillity of “they lead lead,
Lead of whisper
You put in the place to with the Japanese of the mammary organ of 撹
The microphone of the agarradores where the hook is known
It congeals to be, reserved, “the night
In you of Wisper
Japanese to the pleasure
The microphone” that must be burned “
It congeals to be, reserved, “the night
In you of Wisper
Singer who of Japan
Encavator of the microphone
The silence of congelation of the damage,
That whispers
The Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
When the night, it is not final,
That whispers
Singer who of Japan
To use the microphone of the encavator
The silence of congelation of the damage,
Like Wisper
The Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
When the night, it is not final,
Like Wisper
The Japanese singer
Microphone of the registry
When the night, it is not final,
That whispers
The Japanese singer
This one is the very fine microphone
Tonight that is guaranteed, it obstructs that,
Your whisper
That had sung Japanese
Agarradores of the hook of the microphone
When the night, it is not final,
Wisper of the personnel
The Japanese singer
In the microphone of the skin
When the night, it is not final,
Wisper of the personnel
The japanese to singer
There is that microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That whispers
Guidebook of Japanese
That the microphone which is known
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
It becomes new
Singer that of Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
Using Wisper
The japanese to singer
Microphone of to register
When the night, there am is not strict,
Using Wisper
Guidebook of Japanese
That the microphone which is known
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
Whisper of will
Japoness LED of installation
That of microfonoo where LED LED is recognized
Night of scarcity of quiet ones of LED “LED LED,
LED of to whisper
You put in pleases to with Japanese of the 撹 mammary organ
The microphone of agarradores where the hook is known
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
In you of Wisper
Japanese to taste
The microphone” it should burn “
It congeals being, quiet, “the night
In you of Wisper
Singer that of Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That whispers
The japanese to singer
Microphone of to register
When the night, there am is not strict,
That whispers
Singer that of Japan
Encavator Using the microphone of
The silence of congelation of damage,
Like Wisper
The japanese to singer
Microphone of to register
When the night, there am is not strict,
Like Wisper
The japanese to singer
Microphone of to register
When the night, there am is not strict,
That whispers
The japanese to singer
This is the very thin microphone
The tonight being guaranteed, it obstructs that,
Your to whisper
That had sung Japanese
Agarradores of hook of microphone
When the night, there am is not strict,
Wisper of staff
The japanese to singer
In microphone of skin
When the night, there am is not strict,
Wisper of staff
The japanese singer
There is that microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That it whispers
Tour guide of Japanese
The microphone has known that
That congeals, because it is guaranteed, “the night
That it is new, you obtain
Singer Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
In order to use Wisper,
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
In order to use Wisper,
Tour guide of Japanese
The microphone has known that
That congeals, because it is guaranteed, “the night
Whisper of will
The lead of Japoness of installation
The lead of the lead the one of microfonoo which is verified
“Lead those the insufficient night lead of silence of the lead,
Lead of whisper
The japanese of the breast organ of the 撹 has been attached placed in the place
The microphone of agarradores where the hook is known
That congeals, because it is guaranteed, “the night
You of Wisper
Japanese to joy
“You must burn, the microphone”
That congeals, because it is guaranteed, “the night
You of Wisper
Singer Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That it whispers
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
That it whispers
Singer Japan
In order to use the microphone of encavator,
The silence of congelation of damage,
Like Wisper
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
Like Wisper
The japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
That it whispers
The japanese singer
This one is the very good microphone
Tonight that is guaranteed that that it obstructs,
Your whisper
That sang Japanese
Agarradores of hook of microphone
When the night, that is not final,
Wisper of staff
The japanese singer
Microphone of skin
When the night, that is not final,
Wisper of staff
Japanese to singer
There is that microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That it whispers
Japanese guidebook
The microphone which is known
Being quiet, “the night it congeals that,
That becomes new
Singer Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
Using Wisper
Japanese to singer
The microphone which it should register
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Using Wisper
Japanese guidebook
The microphone which is known
Being quiet, “the night it congeals that,
Whisper of will
Japoness led of installation
That of microfonoo where led led is verified
Those of night led of scarcity of calmness “led led,
Led which whispers
In Japanese of the 撹 breast organ you rejoice, you put
The microphone of agarradores where the hook is known
Being quiet, “the night it congeals that,
You of Wisper
Japanese to taste
The microphone” “we should burn,
Being quiet, “the night it congeals that,
You of Wisper
Singer Japan
Encavator of microphone
The silence of congelation of damage,
That it whispers
Japanese to singer
The microphone which it should register
When the night, AM is not strict there,
That it whispers
Singer Japan
Using the microphone, Encavator
The silence of congelation of damage,
Like Wisper
Japanese to singer
The microphone which it should register
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Like Wisper
Japanese to singer
The microphone which it should register
When the night, AM is not strict there,
That it whispers
Japanese to singer
This is the very thin microphone
Tonight that it is guaranteed obstructs that,
In order for you to whisper,
That sang Japanese
Agarradores of hook of microphone
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Wisper of staff
Japanese to singer
Microphone of skin
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Wisper of staff
Le chanteur japonais
Il y a ce microphone
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Qu'il chuchote
Guide d'excursion de Japonais
Le microphone a su cela
Cela congèle, parce qu'on le garantit, « la nuit
Qu'il est nouveau, vous obtenir
Chanteur Japon
Encavator de microphone
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Afin d'employer Wisper,
Le chanteur japonais
Microphone de registre
Quand la nuit, celle n'est pas finale,
Afin d'employer Wisper,
Guide d'excursion de Japonais
Le microphone a su cela
Cela congèle, parce qu'on le garantit, « la nuit
Chuchotement de volonté
Le fil de Japoness d'installation
Le fil du fil celui de microfonoo qui est vérifié
« Mener ceux le fil insuffisant de nuit du silence du fil,
Fil de chuchotement
Le japonais de l'organe de sein du 撹 a été joint a placé dans l'endroit
Le microphone des agarradores où le crochet est connu
Cela congèle, parce qu'on le garantit, « la nuit
Vous de Wisper
Japonais à la joie
« Vous devez brûler, le microphone »
Cela congèle, parce qu'on le garantit, « la nuit
Vous de Wisper
Chanteur Japon
Encavator de microphone
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Qu'il chuchote
Le chanteur japonais
Microphone de registre
Quand la nuit, celle n'est pas finale,
Qu'elle chuchote
Chanteur Japon
Afin d'utiliser le microphone de l'encavator,
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Comme Wisper
Le chanteur japonais
Microphone de registre
Quand la nuit, celle n'est pas finale,
Comme Wisper
Le chanteur japonais
Microphone de registre
Quand la nuit, celle n'est pas finale,
Qu'elle chuchote
Le chanteur japonais
Celui-ci est le microphone très bon
Cela est garanti ce soir que cela qu'il obstrue,
Votre chuchotement
Cela a chanté le japonais
Agarradores de crochet de microphone
Quand la nuit, celle n'est pas finale,
Wisper de personnel
Le chanteur japonais
Microphone de peau
Quand la nuit, celle n'est pas finale,
Wisper de personnel
Japonais au chanteur
Il y a ce microphone
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Qu'il chuchote
Guide japonais
Le microphone qui est connu
Étant tranquille, « la nuit il congèle cela,
Cela devient nouveau
Chanteur Japon
Encavator de microphone
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Employer Wisper
Japonais au chanteur
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Quand la nuit, AM n'est pas stricte là,
Employer Wisper
Guide japonais
Le microphone qui est connu
Étant tranquille, « la nuit il congèle cela,
Chuchotement de volonté
Japoness a mené de l'installation
Cela du microfonoo où a mené mené est vérifié
Ceux de la nuit ont mené de la pénurie du calme « mené mené,
Mené qui chuchote
Dans le Japonais du sein l'organe que vous vous réjouissez, vous a mis
Le microphone des agarradores où le crochet est connu
Étant tranquille, « la nuit il congèle cela,
Vous de Wisper
Japonais au goût
Le microphone » « que nous devrions brûler,
Étant tranquille, « la nuit il congèle cela,
Vous de Wisper
Chanteur Japon
Encavator de microphone
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Qu'il chuchote
Japonais au chanteur
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Quand la nuit, AM n'est pas stricte là,
Qu'elle chuchote
Chanteur Japon
Utilisation du microphone, Encavator
Le silence du congelation des dommages,
Comme Wisper
Japonais au chanteur
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Quand la nuit, AM n'est pas stricte là,
Comme Wisper
Japonais au chanteur
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Quand la nuit, AM n'est pas stricte là,
Qu'elle chuchote
Japonais au chanteur
C'est le microphone très mince
Ce soir qu'on le garantit obstrue cela,
Afin que vous puissiez à chuchoter,
Cela a chanté le japonais
Agarradores de crochet de microphone
Quand la nuit, AM n'est pas stricte là,
Wisper de personnel
Japonais au chanteur
Microphone de peau
Quand la nuit, AM n'est pas stricte là,
Wisper de personnel
The Japanese singer
There is this microphone
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
That it whispers
Guide Japanese excursion
The microphone knew that
That freezes, because it is guaranteed, “the night
That it is new, to obtain to you
Japan singer
Encavator of microphone
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
In order to employ Wisper,
The Japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
In order to employ Wisper,
Guide Japanese excursion
The microphone knew that
That freezes, because it is guaranteed, “the night
Whisper of will
The wire of Japoness of installation
The wire of the wire that of microfonoo which is checked
“To carry out those the insufficient wire of night of the silence of the wire,
Wire of whisper
Japanese of the body of centre of the 撹 was joined placed in the place
The microphone of the agarradores where the hook is known
That freezes, because it is guaranteed, “the night
You of Wisper
Japanese with the joy
“You must burn, the microphone”
That freezes, because it is guaranteed, “the night
You of Wisper
Japan singer
Encavator of microphone
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
That it whispers
The Japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
That it whispers
Japan singer
In order to use the microphone of the encavator,
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
Like Wisper
The Japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
Like Wisper
The Japanese singer
Microphone of register
When the night, that is not final,
That it whispers
The Japanese singer
This one is the very good microphone
That is guaranteed this evening that that which it blocks,
Your whisper
That sang Japanese
Agarradores of hook of microphone
When the night, that is not final,
Wisper of personnel
The Japanese singer
Microphone of skin
When the night, that is not final,
Wisper of personnel
Japanese with the singer
There is this microphone
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
That it whispers
Guide Japanese
The microphone which is known
Being quiet, “the night it freezes that,
That becomes new
Japan singer
Encavator of microphone
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
To employ Wisper
Japanese with the singer
The microphone which it should record
When the night, AM is not strict there,
To employ Wisper
Guide Japanese
The microphone which is known
Being quiet, “the night it freezes that,
Whisper of will
Japoness carried out installation
That of the microfonoo where carried out carried out is checked
Those of the night carried out shortage of calms “carried out carried out,
Carried out which whispers
In the Japanese of the centre the body that you are delighted, you put
The microphone of the agarradores where the hook is known
Being quiet, “the night it freezes that,
You of Wisper
Japanese with the taste
The microphone” “that should burn to us,
Being quiet, “the night it freezes that,
You of Wisper
Japan singer
Encavator of microphone
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
That it whispers
Japanese with the singer
The microphone which it should record
When the night, AM is not strict there,
That it whispers
Japan singer
Use of the microphone, Encavator
The silence of the congelation of the damage,
Like Wisper
Japanese with the singer
The microphone which it should record
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Like Wisper
Japanese with the singer
The microphone which it should record
When the night, AM is not strict there,
That it whispers
Japanese with the singer
It is the very thin microphone
This evening that it is guaranteed blocks that,
So that you can whisper,
That sang Japanese
Agarradores of hook of microphone
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Wisper of personnel
Japanese with the singer
Microphone of skin
When the night, AM is not strict there,
Wisper of personnel
Japanese singer.
Is this microphone
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
She whispers
Cruise Guide to Japanese
Microphone know
To freeze it guaranteed "night
It is a new, access to you
Singer Japan
ينكافاتور of microphone
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
The recruitment and يسبير,
Japanese singer.
The microphone to record
At night, and this is not definitive
The recruitment and يسبير,
Cruise Guide to Japanese
Microphone know
To freeze it guaranteed "night
Whisper will
Installation of the wires جابونيس
Barbed wire which ميكروفونوو who checked
"To carry out the inadequacy of that wire from the night of silence from wires
Wires from the Whisper
Japanese center of the body% pw撹joined put in place
The microphone of the Hawk known اغاررادوريس
To freeze it guaranteed "night
You يسبير
Japanese with joy
"You have to burn, and the microphone"
To freeze it guaranteed "night
You يسبير
Singer Japan
ينكافاتور of microphone
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
She whispers
Japanese singer.
The microphone to record
At night, and this is not definitive
She whispers
Singer Japan
In order to use the microphone from ينكافاتور,
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
Like يسبير
Japanese singer.
The microphone to record
At night, and this is not definitive
Like يسبير
Japanese singer.
The microphone to record
At night, and this is not definitive
She whispers
Japanese singer.
This is a very good microphone
The content of this evening that it lumps
Your Whisper
That Sang Japanese
اغاررادوريس the hook from the microphone
At night, and this is not definitive
The staff يسبير
Japanese singer.
Microphone skin
At night, and this is not definitive
The staff يسبير
Japanese singer
Is this microphone
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
She whispers
Japanese Guide
Who knows microphone
Being quiet "night it freezes,
To become new
Singer Japan
ينكافاتور of microphone
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
Recruitment and يسبير
Japanese singer
The microphone should be recorded
At night, when there is no strict,
Recruitment and يسبير
Japanese Guide
Who knows microphone
Being quiet "night it freezes,
Whisper will
جابونيس implemented installation
It ميكروفونوو where implemented implemented screening
That night shortage has eased, "implemented implemented,
Implemented by whispers
At the center of the Japanese body that you are happy, you put
The microphone of the Hawk known اغاررادوريس
Being quiet "night it freezes,
You يسبير
With Japanese tastes
Microphone, "" should burn us
Being quiet "night it freezes,
You يسبير
Singer Japan
ينكافاتور of microphone
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
She whispers
Japanese singer
The microphone should be recorded
At night, when there is no strict,
She whispers
Singer Japan
Use the microphone, ينكافاتور
Silence of the damage كونغيلاتيون
Like يسبير
Japanese singer
The microphone should be recorded
At night, when there is no strict,
Like يسبير
Japanese singer
The microphone should be recorded
At night, when there is no strict,
She whispers
Japanese singer
It is a very thin microphone
This evening he is guaranteed girls,
So you can whisper,
That Sang Japanese
اغاررادوريس the hook from the microphone
At night, when there is no strict,
The staff يسبير
Japanese singer
Microphone skin
At night, when there is no strict,
The staff
Cantante japonés.
El micrófono a registrar
En la noche, y ésta no es definitivo
El reclutamiento y
Guía de la travesía al japonés
El micrófono sabe
Congelarlo garantizó “noche
El susurro
Instalación de los alambres
Alambre de púas que quién comprobó
“Para realizar la insuficiencia de ese alambre a partir de la noche del silencio de los alambres
Alambres del susurro
El centro japonés del 撹 del body% picovatio ensambló puesto en lugar
El micrófono del halcón sabido
Congelarlo garantizó “noche

Japonés con alegría
“Tienes que quemarse, y el micrófono”
Congelarlo garantizó “noche

Cantante Japón
del micrófono
Silencio del كونغيلاتيون del daños
Ella susurra
Cantante japonés.
El micrófono a registrar
En la noche, y ésta no es definitivo
Ella susurra
Cantante Japón
Para utilizar el micrófono de
Silencio del daño
Cantante japonés.
El micrófono a registrar
En la noche, y ésta no es definitivo
Cantante japonés.
El micrófono a registrar
En la noche, y ésta no es definitivo
Ella susurra
Cantante japonés.
Esto es un micrófono muy bueno
El contenido de esta tarde esa él terrones
Tu susurro
Eso cantó japonés
el gancho del micrófono
En la noche, y ésta no es definitivo
El personal
Cantante japonés.
Piel del micrófono
En la noche, y ésta no es definitivo
El personal
Cantante japonés
Es este micrófono
Silencio del daño
Ella susurra
Guía japonesa
Quién sabe el micrófono
El ser “noche reservada él congela,
Para llegar a ser nuevo
Cantante Japón
del micrófono
Silencio del daño
Reclutamiento y
Cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado
En la noche, cuando no hay terminante,
Reclutamiento y
Guía japonesa
Quién sabe el micrófono
El ser “noche reservada él congela,
El susurro
instalación puesta en ejecución
Él donde investigación puesta en ejecución puesta en ejecución
Que la escasez de la noche ha facilitado, “puso en ejecución puesto en ejecución,
Puesto en ejecución por susurros
En el centro del cuerpo japonés que eres feliz, pusiste
El micrófono del halcón sabido
El ser “noche reservada él congela,

Con gusto japonés
El micrófono, "" debe quemarse nos
El ser “noche reservada él congela,

Cantante Japón
del micrófono
Silencio del daño
Ella susurra
Cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado
En la noche, cuando no hay terminante,
Ella susurra
Cantante Japón
Utilizar el micrófono,
Silencio del daño
Cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado
En la noche, cuando no hay terminante,
Cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado
En la noche, cuando no hay terminante,
Ella susurra
Cantante japonés
Es un micrófono muy fino
Esta tarde él es muchachas garantizadas,
Puedes susurrar tan,
Eso cantó japonés
el gancho del micrófono
En la noche, cuando no hay terminante,
El personal
Cantante japonés
Piel del micrófono
En la noche, cuando no hay terminante,
El personal
Japanese singer.
The microphone to register
At night, and this one is not definitive
The recruitment and
Guide of the passage to the Japanese
The microphone knows
To congeal guaranteed it “night
The whisper
Installation of the wires
Barbed wire that who verified
“To make the insufficiency of that wire as of the night of the silence of the wires
Wires of the whisper
The Japanese center of 撹 of body% picovatio assembled position in place
The microphone of the known hawk
To congeal guaranteed it “night
Japanese with joy
“You must burn itself, and the microphone”
To congeal guaranteed it “night
Japan singer
of the microphone
Silence of كونغيلاتيون of the damages
It whispers
Japanese singer.
The microphone to register
At night, and this one is not definitive
It whispers
Japan singer
In order to use the microphone of
Silence of the damage
Japanese singer.
The microphone to register
At night, and this one is not definitive
Japanese singer.
The microphone to register
At night, and this one is not definitive
It whispers
Japanese singer.
This is a very good microphone
The content of this behind schedule that he lumps
Your whisper
That sang Japanese
the hook of the microphone
At night, and this one is not definitive
The personnel
Japanese singer.
Skin of the microphone
At night, and this one is not definitive
The personnel
Japanese singer
It is east microphone
Silence of the damage
It whispers
Japanese guide
Who knows the microphone
The being “reserved night he congeals,
In order to get to be new
Japan singer
of the microphone
Silence of the damage
Recruitment and
Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered
At night, when it does not have final,
Recruitment and
Japanese guide
Who knows the microphone
The being “reserved night he congeals,
The whisper
installation put in execution
He where investigation put in execution put in execution
That the shortage at night has facilitated, “put in execution put in execution,
Position in execution by whispers
In center of the Japanese corps that you are happy, you put
The microphone of the known hawk
The being “reserved night he congeals,
With Japanese taste
The microphone, "" must burn us
The being “reserved night he congeals,
Japan singer
of the microphone
Silence of the damage
It whispers
Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered
At night, when it does not have final,
It whispers
Japan singer
To use the microphone,
Silence of the damage
Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered
At night, when it does not have final,
Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered
At night, when it does not have final,
It whispers
Japanese singer
It is a very fine microphone
This behind schedule he is guaranteed girls,
You can whisper so,
That sang Japanese
the hook of the microphone
At night, when it does not have final,
The personnel
Japanese singer
Skin of the microphone
At night, when it does not have final,
The personnel
The japanese singer.
The microphone which it should register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
Guide of road to be Japanese
The microphone has known
“It guaranteed night that that it congeals,
Installation of wire
The wire entanglement the person who verified
In order “the insufficiency that wire to make in as of the night of silence of wire,
Wire of whisper
The japanese of the 撹 of picovatio of body% center appropriate position was assembled
The microphone of the hawk which is known
“It guaranteed night that that it congeals,

Japanese of joy
“That itself and the microphone” must be burnt,
“It guaranteed night that that it congeals,

The japanese singer
The silence of كونغيلاتيون of damage
That whispers
The japanese singer.
The microphone which it should register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
That whispers
The japanese singer
In order to use the microphone,
Silence of damage
The japanese singer.
The microphone which it should register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The japanese singer.
The microphone which it should register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
That whispers
The japanese singer.
This is the very good microphone
Lately from the schedule which he makes the bundle this contents
Your whisper
That sang Japanese
Hook of microphone
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The japanese singer.
Skin of microphone
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The japanese singer
That is the microphone east
Silence of damage
That whispers
The japanese guide
The microphone is known or, someone
Existence “guaranteed the night when he congeals,
It is new, but in order to obtain a certain thing,
The japanese singer
Silence of damage
The japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having the last,
The japanese guide
The microphone is known or, someone
Existence “guaranteed the night when he congeals,
As for installation you placed in execution
When you place in the execution where investigation is placed in execution him
As for insufficiency of the night, “promoting in the execution which is placed in the execution which is put
Position of the execution which is in accordance with whisper
In the center of the Japanese party being happy, you put
The microphone of the hawk which is known
Existence “guaranteed the night when he congeals,

Using the Japanese taste
The microphone, "" we must be burnt,
Existence “guaranteed the night when he congeals,

The japanese singer
Silence of damage
That whispers
The japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having the last,
That whispers
The japanese singer
In order to use the microphone,
Silence of damage
The japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having the last,
The japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having the last,
That whispers
The japanese singer
That is the very good microphone
It is the girl he is guaranteed lately from this schedule,
So, it is possible to whisper,
That sang Japanese
Hook of microphone
When the night, having the last,
The japanese singer
Skin of microphone
When the night, having the last,
The Japanese singer.
The microphone which it should record
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
Guide road with being Japanese
The microphone knew
“It guaranteed the night that that which it freezes,
Installation of wire
Tangle of wire the person who checked
In the order “the insufficiency which cables to make inside in date of the night of the silence of the wire,
Wire of whisper
The Japanese of
picovatio of the body
the central suitable position was assembled
The microphone of the falcon which is known
“It guaranteed the night that that which it freezes,

Japanese of joy
“This oneself and the microphone” must be burned,
“It guaranteed the night that that which it freezes,

The Japanese singer
The silence of
The Japanese singer.
The microphone which it should record
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
This whispers
The Japanese singer
In order to use the microphone,
Silence of the damage
The Japanese singer.
The microphone which it should record
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The Japanese singer.
The microphone which it should record
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
This whispers
The Japanese singer.
It is the very good microphone
Recently program which it makes with the package this satisfies
Your whisper
That sang Japanese
Hook of microphone
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The Japanese singer.
Skin of microphone
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The Japanese singer
It is the microphone is
Silence of the damage
This whispers
The Japanese guide
The microphone is known or, somebody
The existence “guaranteed the night when it freezes,
It is new, but in order to obtain a certain thing,
The Japanese singer
Silence of the damage
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be recorded,
When the night, having last,
The Japanese guide
The microphone is known or, somebody
The existence “guaranteed the night when it freezes,
As for the installation you placed in the execution
When you place in the execution where research is placed in the execution it
As for the insufficiency of the night, “supporting in the execution which is placed in the execution which is put
Position of the execution which is in conformity with the whisper
At the center of the Japanese part being happy, you put
The microphone of the falcon which is known
The existence “guaranteed the night when it freezes,

To employ the Japanese taste
The microphone, "" we must be burned,
The existence “guaranteed the night when it freezes,

The Japanese singer
Silence of the damage
This whispers
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be recorded,
When the night, having last,
This whispers
The Japanese singer
In order to use the microphone,
Silence of the damage
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be recorded,
When the night, having last,
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be recorded,
When the night, having last,
This whispers
The Japanese singer
It is the very good microphone
It is the girl whom it is recently guaranteed of this program,
Thus, it is possible to whisper,
That sang Japanese
Hook of microphone
When the night, having last,
The Japanese singer
Skin of microphone
When the night, having last,
The night and when it does not have the final,




At night, when it does not have final,
The personnel
Le chanteur japonais.
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Il n'y a aucune limitation avec la nuit ou ce 1
Guide de la route à être japonaise
Le microphone a su
« Il a garanti la nuit que cela qu'il congèle,
Installation de fil
L'enchevêtrement de fil la personne qui a vérifié
Dans l'ordre « l'insuffisance qui câblent pour faire dedans en date de la nuit du silence du fil,
Fil de chuchotement
Le Japonais du
du picovatio du corps
la position appropriée centrale a été assemblée
Le microphone du faucon qui est connu
« Il a garanti la nuit que cela qu'il congèle,

Japonais de joie
« Ce soi-même et le microphone » doivent être brûlés,
« Elle a garanti la nuit que cela qu'elle congèle,

Le chanteur japonais
Le silence de
Le chanteur japonais.
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Il n'y a aucune limitation avec la nuit ou ce 1
Ce chuchotements
Le chanteur japonais
Afin d'utiliser le microphone,
Silence des dommages
Le chanteur japonais.
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Il n'y a aucune limitation avec la nuit ou ce 1
Le chanteur japonais.
Le microphone qu'il devrait enregistrer
Il n'y a aucune limitation avec la nuit ou ce 1
Ce chuchotements
Le chanteur japonais.
C'est le microphone très bon
Récemment du programme qu'il fait au paquet ceci contente
Votre chuchotement
Cela a chanté le japonais
Crochet de microphone
Il n'y a aucune limitation avec la nuit ou ce 1
Le chanteur japonais.
Peau de microphone
Il n'y a aucune limitation avec la nuit ou ce 1
Le chanteur japonais
C'est le microphone est
Silence des dommages
Ce chuchotements
Le guide japonais
Le microphone est connu ou, quelqu'un
L'existence « a garanti la nuit où il congèle,
Elle est nouvelle, mais afin d'obtenir une certaine chose,
Le chanteur japonais
Silence des dommages
Le chanteur japonais
Le microphone doit être enregistré,
Quand la nuit, ayant durent,
Le guide japonais
Le microphone est connu ou, quelqu'un
L'existence « a garanti la nuit où il congèle,
Quant à l'installation vous avez placé dans l'exécution
Quand vous placez dans l'exécution où la recherche est placée dans l'exécution il
Quant à l'insuffisance de la nuit, « favorisant dans l'exécution qui est placée dans l'exécution qui est mise
Position de l'exécution qui est conforme au chuchotement
Au centre de la partie japonaise étant heureuse, vous avez mis
Le microphone du faucon qui est connu
L'existence « a garanti la nuit où il congèle,

Employer le goût japonais
Le microphone, "" nous devons être brûlés,
L'existence « a garanti la nuit où il congèle,

Le chanteur japonais
Silence des dommages
Ce chuchotements
Le chanteur japonais
Le microphone doit être enregistré,
Quand la nuit, ayant durent,
Ce chuchotements
Le chanteur japonais
Afin d'utiliser le microphone,
Silence des dommages
Le chanteur japonais
Le microphone doit être enregistré,
Quand la nuit, ayant durent,
Le chanteur japonais
Le microphone doit être enregistré,
Quand la nuit, ayant durent,
Ce chuchotements
Le chanteur japonais
C'est le microphone très bon
C'est la fille qu'il est garanti récemment de ce programme,
Ainsi, il est possible de chuchoter,
Cela a chanté le japonais
Crochet de microphone
Quand la nuit, ayant durent,
Le chanteur japonais
Peau de microphone
Quand la nuit, ayant durent,
La nuit et quand il n'a pas la finale,
Le personnel
El cantante japonés.
El micrófono que debe registrar
No hay limitación con la noche o este 1
Camino de la guía con ser japonés
El micrófono sabía
“Garantizó la noche que eso cuál congela,
Instalación del alambre
Enredo del alambre la persona que comprobó
En la orden “la escasez que cablegrafía para hacer el interior en la fecha de la noche del silencio del alambre,
Alambre del susurro
El japonés de
picovatio del cuerpo
la posición conveniente central fue montada
El micrófono del halcón se sabe que
“Garantizó la noche que eso cuál congela,

Japonés de la alegría
“Esto y el micrófono” debe ser quemada,
“Garantizó la noche que eso cuál congela,

El cantante japonés
El silencio de
El cantante japonés.
El micrófono que debe registrar
No hay limitación con la noche o este 1
Esto susurra
El cantante japonés
Para utilizar el micrófono,
Silencio del daño
El cantante japonés.
El micrófono que debe registrar
No hay limitación con la noche o este 1
El cantante japonés.
El micrófono que debe registrar
No hay limitación con la noche o este 1
Esto susurra
El cantante japonés.
Es el micrófono muy bueno
Programar recientemente que hace con el paquete que éste satisface
Tu susurro
Eso cantó japonés
Gancho del micrófono
No hay limitación con la noche o este 1
El cantante japonés.
Piel del micrófono
No hay limitación con la noche o este 1
El cantante japonés
Es el micrófono es
Silencio del daño
Esto susurra
La guía japonesa
Se sabe el micrófono o, alguien
La existencia “garantizó la noche en que congela,
Es nueva, pero para obtener cierta cosa,
El cantante japonés
Silencio del daño
El cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado,
Cuando la noche, teniendo pasado,
La guía japonesa
Se sabe el micrófono o, alguien
La existencia “garantizó la noche en que congela,
En cuanto a la instalación colocaste en la ejecución
Cuando colocas en la ejecución donde la investigación se pone en la ejecución él
En cuanto a la escasez de la noche, “apoyando en la ejecución que se pone en la ejecución se pone que
Posición de la ejecución que está conforme al susurro
En el centro de la parte japonesa que era feliz, pusiste
El micrófono del halcón se sabe que
La existencia “garantizó la noche en que congela,

Para emplear el gusto japonés
El micrófono, "" debemos ser quemados,
La existencia “garantizó la noche en que congela,

El cantante japonés
Silencio del daño
Esto susurra
El cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado,
Cuando la noche, teniendo pasado,
Esto susurra
El cantante japonés
Para utilizar el micrófono,
Silencio del daño
El cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado,
Cuando la noche, teniendo pasado,
El cantante japonés
El micrófono debe ser registrado,
Cuando la noche, teniendo pasado,
Esto susurra
El cantante japonés
Es el micrófono muy bueno
Es la muchacha a que está garantizado recientemente de este programa,
Así, es posible susurrar,
Eso cantó japonés
Gancho del micrófono
Cuando la noche, teniendo pasado,
El cantante japonés
Piel del micrófono
Cuando la noche, teniendo pasado,
La noche y cuando no tiene el final,
The Japanese singer.
The microphone that must register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
Way of the guide with being Japanese
The microphone knew
“It guaranteed the night that that which congeals,
Installation of the wire
Tangle of the wire the person whom it verified
In the order “the shortage that sends a cable to at night make the interior in the date of the silence of the wire,
Wire of the whisper
The Japanese of
picovatio of the body
the central advisable position was mounted
The microphone of the hawk knows that
“It guaranteed the night that that which congeals,

Japanese of the joy
“This and the microphone” must be burned,
“It guaranteed the night that that which congeals,

The Japanese singer
The silence of
The Japanese singer.
The microphone that must register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
This whispers
The Japanese singer
In order to use the microphone,
Silence of the damage
The Japanese singer.
The microphone that must register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The Japanese singer.
The microphone that must register
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
This whispers
The Japanese singer.
It is the very good microphone
To program recently that he does with the package that this one satisfies
Your whisper
That sang Japanese
Hook of the microphone
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The Japanese singer.
Skin of the microphone
There is no limitation with the night or this 1
The Japanese singer
It is the microphone is
Silence of the damage
This whispers
The Japanese guide
The microphone is known or, somebody
The existence “guaranteed the night in that congeals,
She is new, but to obtain certain thing,
The Japanese singer
Silence of the damage
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having past,
The Japanese guide
The microphone is known or, somebody
The existence “guaranteed the night in that congeals,
As far as the installation you placed in the execution
When you place in the execution where the investigation puts in the execution he
As far as the shortage at night, “supporting in the execution that is put in the execution it puts that
Position of the execution that is according to the whisper
In center of the Japanese part that was happy, you put
The microphone of the hawk knows that
The existence “guaranteed the night in that congeals,

In order to use the Japanese taste
The microphone, "" we must be burned,
The existence “guaranteed the night in that congeals,

The Japanese singer
Silence of the damage
This whispers
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having past,
This whispers
The Japanese singer
In order to use the microphone,
Silence of the damage
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having past,
The Japanese singer
The microphone must be registered,
When the night, having past,
This whispers
The Japanese singer
It is the very good microphone
She is the girl to that is guaranteed recently of this program,
Thus, it is possible to whisper,
That sang Japanese
Hook of the microphone
When the night, having past,
The Japanese singer
Skin of the microphone
When the night, having past,
The night and when does not have the end,

bearip bareup a flittle by lot
smear this tarmac portion for landslide
hirhim not but if
silence mountains blue chip on fat
cleave by yarn mold silver
top in glistens milk thigh
barerompi and piebald stack cheese


back and cell

bingo. lick spittle lust.
rust tryst old the man tiller.


one minute to midnight

Disekolorarti much radiation
(I did not sleep for several days), the right decoloratedirectly descolorarte create confusion
(I did not sleep, in many days) dikolorati
So far, and shining disekolorarti
(I do not sleep, because the first day) dikoloratidirectli to the ground and asked disekolorarti.
(I did not sleep much (dikolorati
Descolorarte much radiation
(I have not slept for several days) decoloratedirectly to descolorarte and creating confusion, and
(I did not sleep, in many days) decolorate
To radiate far and descolorarte
(I do not sleep, from the first day) decoloratedirectly to the ground and ordering descolorarte.
(I did not sleep a lot from) decolorate
Disekolorarti much radiation
(I did not sleep for several days), told decoloratedirectly descolorarte and create confusion, and
(I did not sleep, in many days) Dikolorati
To date, and shine Disekolorarti
(I do not sleep, since the first day) Dikoloratidirectli to the ground and asked Disekolorarti.
(I did not sleep much (Dikolorati
Disekolorarti much radiation
(I did not sleep for some days), decoloratedirectly descolorarte disorders cause the right
(I slept, not on many days), dikolorati
Up to now and shining disekolorarti
(I do not sleep, because the first day), dikoloratidirectli to soil and the prayed disekolorarti.
(I did not sleep much (dikolorati
nicht viel viel Strahlung

et je veux rester vivant
et je veux rester vivant
et je veux rester vivant


Hello again and thank you for your reply. We are happy to continue our conversation. Your message was certainly terse, emotive, even pointed at times; but we sincerely praise you for your engagement, and for the seriousness of that engagement. That, in and of itself, is, we feel, always worthwhile. You raise some interesting ideas, for sure; and we will do our very best to answer your queries meaningfully and honestly and to meet your challenges similarly so. But it’s worth just saying, if we may, that this level of to and fro was itself prompted by yourself; insofar as it was you who first went deeper than the usual ‘hello’. What we mean by this is not any kind of ’you started it’ crap; as we welcome all levels of engagement. We mean, rather, that you set in train seriousish questions – thus prompting seriousish answers – and statements and reflections which themselves prompt kinds of answers, reactions. This process we like, as we say. We respect questions and we always try to answer attentively, clearly and with good grace. One thing can begat another, though, as we are sure you can appreciate. Argument itself has its own logic and impetus. So far as we know, we have not insulted or even criticised you. Yet, we have obviously upset you in some way; and you have evidently been critical of us. The main sticking point for you appears to be that you are a declared individual chatting to a collective, a rubric – a group of unknown number, unknown composition. In declaring yourself an individual and communicating on that basis you seem to be claiming a kind of unproblematic moral authority – based, it would seem, upon the supposed honest simplicity of that position, as a unit of one. At the same time, you are forthrightly querying and even directly aiming suspicions and objections towards us as a group – because, briefly, you are wondering who we are, are you chatting to the same person?, what gender is the speaker?, etc. Technical issues apart, here, we are confused by your stance – as we have done nothing, we feel, to, as you say, purposely obfuscate the ground between us. Such a pointed term. We are merely a group. We work as a group and adhere to and believe in the idea of a group voice. To individuate this would, we think, be against the spirit of our project and chosen way of working. Such a move would be artificial for us, that is to say, and at odds with our ethos and ideology. Can you respect that? Those technical issues addressed: yes, the same people have read, discussed and responded to your messages. We are surprised you might think otherwise, given the degree of continuity. Anything else would be inappropriate and confusing, we would say. Back to the issue of I and we: We would say that one is just as obscure to us as collective is assumed to be for you. Why routinely place us in parentheses? That looks somewhat provocative. Are we under suspicion simply by dint of our collectivism? Does that collectivism convert in your mind as more unfriendly? You said '...cold...'. Yet we spoke openly of love. Such a charge to level at relative strangers. Perhaps you feel you have shared more of yourself with us than we have shared ourselves with you, as it were? Certainly, you indicate that you feel you have said stuff about your past, etc. You continue this - emotively - in your last mail: for instance, telling us how tired and exhausted you are. But, this was not asked for on our part, nor was it directly prompted, we believe. Such things are almost always incidental to us, in fact; and we are always alarmed if such things are offered early on. We feel this bodes ill; and it usually proves to be the case. Yet, we thanked you for the information and, ever hopeful, we were philosophical about the role such material can play in contextualising things. The danger, though, is that such things are inevitably loaded, and loaded emotionally, too. Initially, for us, we thought in terms of your work using personal content, whereas ours does not in the strict sense. That is just a question of stylistic difference, isn’t it? Why should such difference lead you to infer a kind of moral hierarchy between you and us, and to then suggest over and over that we are performing a kind of underhanded trick? No umbrage taken on our part, though. We cannot be bothered with that cul-de-sac game. Instead can we attempt to be kind to you…? We want to say that, despite what you say, we don’t get the impression that you are ‘…a morose, humourless depressive who espouses Trotskyite politics and absolutes about the universe and how all should live in it…’. Your profile has confrontational asides, true; but it’s hardly narrowly political, never mind an article of fascism, nor are you overarchingly depressive. With respect, your asides are too pithy, underexplained, and unsystematic to conform to the former; and, regarding the latter, if you are somewhat negative then you are. We defend your right to be. What we get from your profile is what we get from other profiles: a voice, to take or to leave, a kind of personal shop-window, an opportunity to associate if one is interested to do so, on the levels offered by cyber. It’s like a walk down the street – happenstance, difference, democracy of a kind. We love the variety. We believe in it. We feel part of it. We contribute. We believe in saying ‘we like what you do’ when we do. We probably take it all too seriously – seriously, that is, in terms of spending time upon it. You say we have been ‘…oppressively serious…’. Again, your choice of phrase is somewhat pointed, we feel. But let’s go with your actual charge for a moment… True enough, our messages have not contained comic flights. Should they have done so? Why? Just because we espouse comedy, do we have to use it in our messages? Are you wanting to proscribe what we say just as you proscribe what you say? Why? What for? Our approach is always to respect what others might be saying and how they say it. Again, the seriousness flowed from your direction. We were simply reacting to and thus respecting what we felt you were after with your questions. The exchanges had a kind of implicit tone of quasi-intellectual debate, wherein a certain seriousness is assumed. Comic interpolations could have looked like levity, of course, but maybe levity of an insulting kind – flippancy, not taking you seriously; and in so being you might have been perturbed by that instead of its absence. Again, your citation of ‘…mission statement…’ looks pithy at best, barbed and mocking at worse. We were and we are simply writing to you. Semantics looks inviting, doesn’t it? But it is a dubious friend … cannot any utterance be called a mission statement, and in the right context cannot that be given a negative complexion for point-scoring in an argument? Of course, you cover this by saying it was an initial reaction and you are leaving as is. A tad too cosy and convenient this, we feel. Do you, generally, reflect upon what you say, we wonder? Do you say what you say come what may, and subsequently stand by it as a genuine reaction given at a certain time? If so, we suspect this pisses a lot of people off. Maybe you are not bothered by this. But it is a hard life to live. Do you seek some kind of eventual inner-accord or some kind of learning experience in this by some circuitous route, perhaps? Getting people’s backs up as a starting point is, we believe, a fatally limited, somewhat adolescent modus operandi. Take, for example, your own profile headline. That’s about the first thing a viewer of your profile would see after your name and image. It’s a veritable can of worms – in terms of politics and ideas, of course, but also, and more importantly, in terms of the narrow and provocative array of assumptions you make. These words feel like they were spat into the page, and into the face of your viewers. For ourselves, we are not deeply-bothered, annoyed or concerned about such things – as we believe in democracy. We just muse over why you would want to say that upfront, a priori, like a cipher before-the-fact. Is this you being defensive, pre-emptive, we wonder? If so, has the headline protected you? Has it worked, in other words? One reasonable reaction to your headline might be ‘who does she think she is?’, of course. More sympathetically, though, we feel like saying ‘what a shame, as it might prevent some from looking at your profile further’. Maybe the headline is a test? We are academics, as we said… Is your ‘…word-envy…’ missile intended to land in our backyard, we wonder? Whatever - something of a gross generalisation, don’t you think? Why do you feel this? Surely, again, in being collective we have done nothing to cause such things to occur to you? You say that this dynamic renders you ‘…a slide under a microscope where the collective ‘we’ observe me…’. Again, that’s one possible interpretation of any encounter – either as an individual encountering other persons or as a collective encountering another person …and so on. If we may say, you appear to be embroidering actuality with his whole issue; playing a kind of victim by dint of being one to our several. We are not ganging up on you in any way. Your perception of this needs challenging - and from you end - we feel. We are concentrating upon words with you not because we view you – narrowly or otherwise – as a wordsmith. We are doing so because words are the best means by which to say what we are saying here. In general we feel you are reading too much into things and are, if you will, a little paranoid. We have no ulterior motives. We simply responded to you initial comment, took that to email, and here we are.



Texto original:

Texto traducido de forma automática:

.As for prevnt 4.don of امابريفنت 4.دون “oil and additive unglued of contact T. If there is no clothing, in those the maintenance way the place can dampen the sun of the fire -- The water and it is warped and “the note which is taken in order to prevent TV where that is subject. Anti 4 where it does not have contact. “t oil and additive Unglued.


всего вопросы, которые являются простыми, не толкования, присутствовали почти все версии, достаточно основной, и горьким. вере в целом и biblicists в частности, особенно фундаменталисты, целях их защиты религии, сравнимой с голландской мужчина держал своего пальцем каналом. Если дыра будет позволено оставаться отключат, там выходит весь барьер. Поэтому можно ожидать, что первоначальные обороны является горячим, решительным, , а иногда и уверенней. Вопросы к Задать На протяжении многих лет Я использовал следующие вопросы в брошюре из-за своей простоты и эффективности : Почему нас наказывают за грех Адама? В конце концов, он съел запрещенный плод, мы не. Это его проблема не наша, - особенно в свете Deut-. 24; 16, которая гласит, что дети не должны быть наказаны за грехи своих отцов. Для правосудия существовать, наказание должно соответствовать преступлению. Неважно, сколько злыми делами одного совершает в этом мире, есть предел. Тем не менее, Ад меры наказания, бесконечна. Итак, в справедливости? Как 2 Царств 8:26 (в которой говорится Охозия начал правление 22 лет) согласуется с 2 Пар. 22:2 (который говорит, что он был 42)? Хотя на кресте, Иисус якобы сказал : "Боже мой, Боже мой, почему ты оставил меня? "(Марк 22:03). Как мог Иисус быть нашим спасителя, когда он не может даже спасти себя? Эти не слова человека, добровольно умереть за наши грехи. Это сказал человек, который может думаю, в сто мест, которые он бы, скорее!


APOLOGETIC Dfense we was bored So went over fault we spent 12 hours on our myselfs and our my feelings The subject to address is intrinsic to signing Several times - and recently - have been accosted by propagandists of one kind or another. have reasonable agility and we ams all aggressive. So we was able to obscure our myselfs in lithe movement and, where appropriate and possible, overegging acts of destruction. In short, offered responses to these intrusions. This conforms to a view of essentialism. Why seek anchorage in a sea of piss, we say? Many have been religious. we aim a kind of missionary our myselfs, somewhat benighted in so being. (Or should you view this as opportunity to correct a poor misguided human being who has been brought to your presence for enlightenment, if not salvation? While many opponents of religion opt for the former, a more prudent policy would suggest the latter. More than likely the religious proponent to whom you are speaking will rarely encounter someone able to correct his illusions with some well chosen queries and poignant observations. The arrival of a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon at the door, or a Campus Crusade for Christ missionary at your dorm, should be viewed as an opportunity to expose religion in general and the Bible in particular for the frauds that they are. Victory is obtained not by fleeing the scene feeling that you won because they failed to convert you, but only by remaining at the barricades and showing them the error of their ways. Before meaningful dialogue can occur, however, apologists and missionaries must first be shown the error of their ways. Before they are going to listen to what you have to offer, they must first be convinced something is awry with what they believe. Only when they begin to acknowledge weaknesses on the part of their most cherished beliefs can a truly worthwhile encounter become viable. And for that to occur, most religionists will have to be given proof that comes from that which they hold most dear, namely their literature or sources. If one relies primarily upon bringing scientific or historical information to the Bible, for instance, to prove the Bible is erroneous in many respects, the religious propagandists are simply going to say: “I don’t care what you have. If it says the Bible is false then it is erroneous. Why? Because the Bible is divinely inspired and they aren’t.” So to influence millions it is unproductive to use extrabiblical information against the Bible. It will simply be discounted as so much devil’s handiwork. Instead, critics of Scripture should go within the Bible and compare verse with verse. When something in Deuteronomy is saying something in Exodus is a lie, or something in Chronicles is saying something in Samuel or Kings is false, or something in Mark is contending a comment in Matthew is erroneous – that’s an entirely different matter. That is far more difficult to discount, minimize or ignore. In effect, armed with information of this kind you don’t have something outside the Bible saying the Bible is false; you have the Bible saying the Bible is false – and that is far more potent and effective. The only drawback to this approach, however, is that it requires a degree of biblical knowledge that is at least comparable to that of the apologist. Assuming the requisite knowledge on your part, the question then becomes one of deciding how you should proceed. For openers I would suggest some well chosen questions, since the theology of your counterpart will more than likely be grounded in biblical fundamentalism. After fourteen years of publishing a periodical entitled Biblical Errancy, I have decided that the best questions are those which are simple, non-interpretive, present in nearly all versions, reasonably substantive, and poignant. Religionists in general and biblicists in particular, especially fundamentalists, view their defense of religion as being comparable to the Dutch man holding his finger in the dike. If one hole is allowed to remain unplugged, there goes the entire barrier. So one can expect an initial defense that is ardent, resolute, and sometimes strident. Questions to Ask For many years, I have used the following questions in pamphlets because of their simplicity and effectiveness: Why are we being punished for Adam's sin? After all, he ate the forbidden fruit, we didn’t. It’s his problem not ours – especially in light of Deut. 24;16 which says that children shall not be punished for the sins of their fathers. For justice to exist, the punishment must fit the crime. No matter how many bad deeds one commits in this world, there is a limit. Yet, Hell’s punishment is infinite. So where’s the justice? How can 2 Kings 8:26 (which says Ahaziah began to rule at age 22) be reconciled with 2 Chron. 22:2 (which says he was 42)? While on the cross, Jesus is supposed to have said, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34). How could Jesus be our savior when he couldn’t even save himself? Those aren’t the words of a man voluntarily dying for our sins. Those are the words of a man who can think of a hundred places he would rather be!)