translated text of automatic form

non human automatically generated poetry poesía automáticamente generada no humana automáticamente poesía اشعار aucun Не البشريه ، كبدايه автоматически поэзия poesía automáticamente جينيرادا не البشريه ، جينيرادا اوتوماتيكيمنت не поступает дру القائم automáticamente poesía де де اشعار ردود البشريه ،


A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

/home/.daryl/spiralblast/ in run(self=)
578 """Runs the handler, flushes the streams, and ends the request."""
579 try:
580 protocolStatus, appStatus = self.server.handler(self)
581 except:
582 traceback.print_exc(file=self.stderr)
protocolStatus undefined, appStatus undefined, self = , self.server = , self.server.handler = >

/home/.daryl/spiralblast/ in handler(self=, req=)
1264 try:
1265 try:
1266 result = self.application(environ, start_response)
1267 try:
1268 for data in result:
result = None, self = , self.application = , environ = {'DH_USER': 'spiralblast', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT': '/home/spiralblast/', 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip,deflate', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'en-gb,en;q=0.5', 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'keep-alive', 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE': '300', ...}, start_response =

/home/spiralblast/django/django_src/django/core/handlers/ in __call__(self=, environ={'DH_USER': 'spiralblast', 'DOCUMENT_ROOT': '/home/spiralblast/', 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE': 'CGI/1.1', 'HTTP_ACCEPT': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING': 'gzip,deflate', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE': 'en-gb,en;q=0.5', 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'keep-alive', 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE': '300', ...}, start_response=)
226 # Check that middleware is still uninitialised.
227 if self._request_middleware is None:
228 self.load_middleware()
229 self.initLock.release()
self = , self.load_middleware = >

/home/spiralblast/django/django_src/django/core/handlers/ in load_middleware(self=)
36 mw_module, mw_classname = middleware_path[:dot], middleware_path[dot+1:]
37 try:
38 mod = __import__(mw_module, {}, {}, [''])
39 except ImportError, e:
40 raise exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured, 'Error importing middleware %s: "%s"' % (mw_module, e)
mod = , builtin __import__ = , mw_module = 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware'

3 from django.conf import settings
4 from django.utils.cache import patch_vary_headers
5 from django.utils.http import cookie_date
django undefined, patch_vary_headers undefined

27 from django.conf import settings
28 from django.core.cache import cache
29 from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, iri_to_uri
30 from django.utils.http import http_date
django undefined, cache undefined

55 return getattr(module, 'CacheClass')(host, params)
57 cache = get_cache(settings.CACHE_BACKEND)
59 # Some caches -- pythont-memcached in particular -- need to do a cleanup at the
cache undefined, get_cache = , settings = , settings.CACHE_BACKEND = 'db://cache_sonics'

/home/spiralblast/django/django_src/django/core/cache/ in get_cache(backend_uri='db://cache_sonics')
51 if scheme in BACKENDS:
52 module = __import__('django.core.cache.backends.%s' % BACKENDS[scheme], {}, {}, [''])
53 else:
54 module = __import__(scheme, {}, {}, [''])
module undefined, builtin __import__ = , global BACKENDS = {'db': 'db', 'dummy': 'dummy', 'file': 'filebased', 'locmem': 'locmem', 'memcached': 'memcached'}, scheme = 'db'

3 from django.core.cache.backends.base import BaseCache
4 from django.db import connection, transaction, DatabaseError
5 import base64, time
6 from datetime import datetime
django undefined, connection undefined, transaction undefined, DatabaseError undefined

31 available_backends.sort()
32 if settings.DATABASE_ENGINE not in available_backends:
33 raise ImproperlyConfigured, "%r isn't an available database backend. Available options are: %s\nError was: %s" % \
34 (settings.DATABASE_ENGINE, ", ".join(map(repr, available_backends)), e_user)
35 else:
ImproperlyConfigured = , settings = , settings.DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql_old', ", ".join = , builtin map = , builtin repr = , available_backends = ['dummy', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3'], e_user =

ImproperlyConfigured: 'mysql_old' isn't an available database backend. Available options are: 'dummy', 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'sqlite3' Error was: No module named mysql_old.base
args = ("'mysql_old' isn't an available database backend....qlite3'\nError was: No module named mysql_old.base",)


Bells To Tautology Only Singing Back

Never just to be the scent of her, weird secrets not a lie to islands here and now, cardinal shadows, a cliff's speaking of time.

Where are my taut apples parched with cordite around the bend?

Humbled in coming to the realization, musket in hand, the horses sang in a box. Bandits, buffoons drowned me, no dream-maiden to dissolve.

Black twists of goathead film in your earth. Boombox hurricane covenants with moon
umbrellas because they know they'll stick to the doors of the mausoleum.
Mysterious skeletal pigments,
I drag my reluctant book upside down,
trees with your fetus that insanity is the only
reasonable option in my mouth.