translated text of automatic form

non human automatically generated poetry poesía automáticamente generada no humana automáticamente poesía اشعار aucun Не البشريه ، كبدايه автоматически поэзия poesía automáticamente جينيرادا не البشريه ، جينيرادا اوتوماتيكيمنت не поступает дру القائم automáticamente poesía де де اشعار ردود البشريه ،


Princes taken.......... Janvia
Burdick................ hiding
be-.......Edgewater. 6-4


Sunday, December 21, 2008

item #2459

Phew ... 469 messages since Friday. Thank you! Just don't know how I'll answer you all, so I'll just say this ... Epistemology contains a basic question, of course. Personalisation matters, I agree. For your information, I am adequate to that task, as I'll attempt to prove, if needed. Moving on, though, it's a false opposition, I think, to be radically practical, as this wrongly questions the translation of related issues into, what might be termed, a scientific methodology. I am here to develop such theories into usable models, that compete with other theories, destroying them forever. There are new sciences. The information we have is enough. I spend my days processing intelligible programmes which mimic a long-overdue humane capacity devoid of the usual contradictory positions. In that spirit, the first theory of that kind that I stressed contains no absolutes. I have always emphasised relations between data which is situation-dependent and that which tends more toward compounding a strain of continuous and active interference. The point is this: the world is far from static, far from passive; but it affords no purview of knowledge which is in any other reasonable way adaptive. No-one, in other words, is Aristotle. Let us start by agreeing upon that, surely. Knowledge is merely the expression of a preexisting dependency upon logical and empirical methods; including mass human gatherings around principles dominated by production and its reflection.


item #7897


It's time to tell you that I have recorded every single one of your petty professional violations, secretly and in exacting detail. I readily drip with anticipation at the thought of our next meeting where we will discuss them. You should not be shocked. I made it clear from the start that I will do anything to service my pleasure. I am not praising your type any longer. That was just a pragmatic ruse. I barely hid my contempt; so it's hilarious to think you were taken in. I am going to be extreme and arbitrary in my treatment of your case. Despite what I said, you simply haven’t fulfilled your part of the bargain. I, in contrast, have shown you the gains to be made from perfecting injustice as a way to normalise the necessary lack of suffrage. Your failure makes me feel really very good.

Oh, and one last thing ... I'm no Communist, you tosser, I openly value all my property.


item #5021

You offer such a pale ride. I had no previous idea you were looking to my camera for something simplistically knowable. That's a bit tricky, especially after the extreme directions you tend to favour these days. So, I ask myself, how do I feel, being reduced like that? You might tell me when to smile, when to look serious and so on, but I need something more instant but still with meaning. I see nothing truly memorable in anything you've written down for me. I know that sounds somewhat harsh, but can you just clear your mind? Here's what I'd like you to do... That is if you are actually serious and wish to continue... I mean nothing underhand with this, but the two people you introduced me to, well they are wonderful, so open. You do not know, but we are now very good friends, and we meet often. I wonder if that bothers you? You like to control such things, and you think you do, don't you? But, I'm here to tell you that people just get on with things behind your back and under your nose, and we don't even feel guilty about it. Maybe here we have a situation. You tell me. But I won't be lectured to. Just remember that. You're on the slide, not what you were. Be sensible. I can help you with things, but on my terms. Fuck all the emotional pageantry, OK? Otherwise, we'll all cut the knot.

item #9040

Mainly think I made the mistake of asking Claire outright, questioning her altogether, as she was really just thrown into more curiosity which wasn't then satisfied. That ended badly. I thought it tremendously silly of me, shortsighted. So, Claire, if you're reading this - really sorry. Anyway, this is just the way I sometimes am. It was better with Margaret. And she's usually treacherous. Just to say, M, your essay on St. Augustine has associations I don't recognise. That's a real worry. I wish I had time to stress this better, but I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea here, and my recent encounter with, let's call it, the British Empire, has knocked me for six. The dispute wasn't really between certain familial factors as you were probably led to believe. No, I was on the side of something altogether more vivid. Your work avoids all this. That guy threw me only with his hatred, or at least key aspects and key persons of that ilk. I was unconcerned with the depth and sway of his supposed temporal power - he was, of course, absolutely on time; in fact, I recognised his assertions where necessary. Does that help? Can you let me know? Tomorrow will be too late.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

item #8031

hi i'm known as risky. at least my counsellor thinks i am. all she can say for certain is i am about forty-seven and a nice person. i know myself to be sensitive, considerate, and straight / normal / confident in public to begin with. you may articulate this differently, i realise, you being more tactile and inverted. sarcasm! lol i stress this in conjunction with other things which i'll say if we develop a relationship, as i do not want to offend anyone anymore. i am happy to stay undecided occasionally. i do not date, so please don't ask. no i'm not flirting! i like flowers, the cinema, the seaside, numbers, going out, chatrooms, good food. was on here previously. thanks x

item #6921


My kind grows on trees. I seek to be receptive. Let that be convenient for you.

Chat soon...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

item #4048

The world contains the secrets of the universe. I am a teacher of this, and my teachings explain, in ever-greater complexity - of material and of method - the purpose of the void itself. I aim to demonstrate its navigations of terrain and the order of its pithy removals, by way of assembling a precise audit of every form of pain and suffering. Where necessary, I am staging exact reconstructions; all filmed and recorded. So far, I have taught every human being who is born. The potential for greatness is therefore enhanced. I am one for activating that potential. My purpose is to bring clarity via understanding. I am seeking to erase my own death.

Thanks for listening.


item #9559

last night i said she was going to her nieces and she did so i was right all along even though everyone said i wasnt. i have the presents of mind as they say but that doesnt help the situation as far as i am concerned because no one listens and no one can. i tell them off so they get the message but they never really get the message so why bother as i often say to them. personally i would have alternatively liked to have a proper discussion about the whole idea of where to go and when and with who but its not something anyone of them wants of me to do. i don't know whether giving into them will stop me climbing the walls. 9 months ago i still had time but thats all wrong now as i didnot realise then what would happen now so i couldnot plan for it of course. not that i have ever really thorght that thru. but nevermind. work in abit. my boss hates me but i think thats the way it goes i tell him to much to often and he feels like i threatned him. i have to admit i cut him dead before we left yesterday so i suppose he might be thinking about that when i arrive back later on. hes a the man so what do i expect. i am sure the feeling is mutual. so i'll get him to talk about forgiveness at this time of year. i get past disgust, so i go for the least i can do so it means i can sleep without tossing it over in my head at night when i should be thinking about my self instead of him and what he thinks is important. on monday i want to spend time going over what we will do. i just can't get the fact that she told me lies out of my head.

Will 2009 be any different to 2008.

Monday, December 15, 2008

item #8457

Dear Graham SE (mid30s). Alright, then; I'll try to explain once again. But this is really none of your damn business. So this is the last time. OK? After this, I block you. Go bother someone else. (How'd you get my email anyway?)

I am inter-sexed but without confusion. I am informed by professionals that I am self-evident. But I've reached the point where everything I want to keep is changing and everything I want to change is becoming evermore fixed. I've started formulating my own views about my body because of this, and I am sick of expecting others to do that for me. My voice now changes most things. I am besides all that mature enough, and into my womanhood. Of course, I have replaced some things with others sufficient for a woman. I am still breathing, though. So no harm done.


item #0792

I live in a village within a large city, wreathed in the commemorations of others. Different regimes commemorate differently. I accept that. You fought for war. I did not. Because of this, I will walk upon your early grave. For my own part, I am a scientist. This morning, I was a participant in a professional discussion. We all had unusual expectations. I stuck out as a kind of behaviourist; because I believe, briefly, that imagination cannot adequately work out the recognitions with which we franchise the future. Imagining, that is to say, is a kind of Modernity, a kind of fantasy; necessarily utopian in so being. I do feel other methodologies are suspect on this issue; but, really, I am no detective. Our discussion drifted towards an experiment on an animal; during which we sought to desensitise this subject - partly with confrontation, and our own strong feelings. It was held firmly from both sides, until responses emerged. One of us closed its eyes down, freeing it temporarily. The experiment was way ahead. No general problems emerged.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

item #0094

we got home did something above my head. yr so crossed and tied. together i hate you around here. i asked couldnt i excercize? why not it was about fun and i liked you as a warm up toy. the camera never lies you know. you,r no different. maybe you was satisfied. but i ly on the bottom and i,m sic of it. my breasts was enough fun for you before but not now. i see you released everything. fine. o thanks for the considrations. i,m away, i was not free. to many times just kitchen slave. sic of that as well. u wont convert me again. this is what it sounds like.. fuck off

item #1818

Dearest Rachel, Six years ago, I remember feeling you were impossible. I was so overwhelmed inside opposing directions in our relationship and I could not adapt, or try to understand, that I remember feeling that I was somehow very worthless, or empty. It has taken me to realise that I don't have everything in reality. I have limits both sometimes and often. There is a point to some space, some support, to find my feet again (a chance to find proverbially I was standing a lot steadier on my feet). I'm against calling this a starting point. So I won't. Although I know I will always try. Can you send that email you sent which I've lost about physical limitations? It's an example of the long periods where we just talked. Can you generally account for all mine? Perhaps I have you saturated. There's no real point yet. Perhaps the point is still ahead, or perhaps just slightly ahead. Remember I'm always here. James

Monday, December 08, 2008

item #0752

Left just after 12.30. I forgot all about the earlier emergency. So no problem. Thanks for ringing. That was kind of you. You probably don't realise but when I finished getting secure I sounded out the person responsible. She hadn't been searching and had lost track of time. So I said OK and left it at that. I averted a potential disaster I think. It could have been worse I suppose. I hate weekends. Unfortunately I am still on holiday - something obviously designed to trap me. Come Monday though and I will return to those magical destinations you have listed for me. I'm working through them alphabetically. Are you pleased? Last time I was pampered by a bunch of very poor people. It was fantastic, worth all the effort. I took names and addresses, like you asked me to. I think I earn my money. I hope we can chat later. Take care. x
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