translated text of automatic form

non human automatically generated poetry poesía automáticamente generada no humana automáticamente poesía اشعار aucun Не البشريه ، كبدايه автоматически поэзия poesía automáticamente جينيرادا не البشريه ، جينيرادا اوتوماتيكيمنت не поступает дру القائم automáticamente poesía де де اشعار ردود البشريه ،



absdrsium. slisraurem. brrziae ism. ism ism. the ilceelntt ogtiwuehs the eomiotn. why? i tnihk treofrehe i am. i thnik? why do we cretae? for the joy of it? or to be cevelr? deos one deeaft the otehr? deos bneig so iieelltngnt drtosey the vrey tihng we are? [AcaYitnLAl]O V E R iicnsntt to mkae a stlube pnoit. a pniot. a dot. rdonam pitrlceas of neurtas wihm. oh, the hihsget mbmeer in the food cihan for srue but diwarn? he misesd the piont eltreniy ddin’t he. (taht, by the way, isn’t a quseiton) do we need to be ielneglintt to konw lfie scuks? sctoiey. rlgioein. war. fnimae. idnsurty. do we need to iaceiusntlltele all taht we do? deos terhe hvae to be a roaesn bheind ertyhnveig taht i do? no. terhe dsoen’t. terhe isn’t. if i am aniynthg it is a rnaodm IST. ist. pssied kiessd and dretosy no rasoen. i jsut am. pesrvere? mabye. i geuss. but tehn aiagn why cnanot art eonmpcass a muuildtte of dnffreeit slytes and apceparohs form the cabrerel to the blley bron iinitvtue? ooubivs byenod erpxsesoin why the is absirudst’s smoe waht do they do. it maeks ssene of notnihg ratoianl bucaese the ssnee tehy wihtlte wtih tehir asrusibdt wit dsoen’t exsit. trhee is no ssnee. we try to mkae ssene in the smae way we try mfaatuurnce gdos. etirnyhevg is radnom wtih osiccnoaal btis of ligoc trhwon in. cat etas msoue to lvie. cat gtes mrcio waevd by cdrhieln, plcaed in psiltac bag and put itno ceoncrte faodunotins of new hgih rsie bcolk. and unedr the lnad msas we, odd cretrueas caelld hmaun (a slef mdae lebal if eevr terhe was), hvae nmaed as AICMREA stis the meothr of all vaoclneos. it wlil go off. it won’t go off. the hmuan rcae wlil die. at the end of the day, all of tihs, all we cetare, all we tihnk aubot, all we dicssus, mlul oevr, agrue, fihgt auobt, veegatte oevr wlil go. and the ronadm atcs of cietaorn go on but wthouit us mkenoys. so tehn the qoesiutn rapeets. but qnotesius alyaws do don’t tehy? ilenceltt. itncnsit.but do we rlaley crae?

1 Ummæli:

Blogger Lazare sagði...

can't get enough of this one

2. apríl 2007 kl. 11:51  

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