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non human automatically generated poetry poesía automáticamente generada no humana automáticamente poesía اشعار aucun Не البشريه ، كبدايه автоматически поэзия poesía automáticamente جينيرادا не البشريه ، جينيرادا اوتوماتيكيمنت не поступает дру القائم automáticamente poesía де де اشعار ردود البشريه ،


Youth City Achba eriza [u] ten:00 five makilaji piers

And nereza city. Spider arrogance of the engine. Where led rotato miles. The question is, In sotranio. torkstrevelo tendons and other pages you in the dock. Concrete and crystal. Steel Rail bichromate botasio. Amnesty is an alley. Lorena for the back corner of the service and fear alkylbenzene protection. Hu Zhen one elderly. kruji foreign teams. Sharif, 320telikonterol eats one mountain snow. and nereza city. Tonality and reflect the passage of time and neon tarmakadumrasgonis star. Well, then reverse swept Union protection arthritis column. feel good about themselves, even the safety and cost of trade and the smell of cigarette smoke and beer. where I come from violent homes. Love. also Pier makilaji bothels comfort you in such outdated. black, objectives, gray color, but in this case, no rain. Until you solve gray sensible and history. sotranio it will be tomorrow morning. Weeping book store new and old newspapers The same information. those nereza City, trafori from crawling. In other parts secretly space needle roller know information. Rape is your wings and food to a more trabukokagarmanseata in your ear. He demonstrated to the persecution and persecution and lighting costs Achba alihenrizamanalmedinh rate nereza youth and the city. ank potmaturmanhmahark. hithhamltorotatoullme ll. hthnakkatahahianvisotra new. safhalkmfiqv smanaltd to please iagorjstrevelomthelzl mlmoshual kristal. and salbalthanikromatbotassio. and alih iafwalzakkak. orinakhadamhualkhovvim for 'Christians hhamaihalzoayamenbenzins. Yeh and ahaddaqdima lsidhalhaqiq. krujikharjehmanalvri Cam. chrif utelikonterolanhabaidhtammaltheljviahadd al hill. and alihenrizamanalmedinh. alitnaskalan gamiaksbmerorallouktma 'rasgonismnanjumen inottarmakadum. To kitchaarodorimanalknasha ltiallahaqvihamaihankelprasaaliaqbamodra b danger. To eshaarsalimhlltjarhimshatimaankhalt kalevdjanalamnoraehhalberhoualsjaer's. and me nhanakalianvalial Piot. haboualjns. alihnakal bothelsfayalarusfhalrahalkmmakilajimthel kadim. anhnakalassodohnakhdv and henakaloanpi nlknlashiermadivehthalahalhalermadihanda lmatarhatiehllkmendaoualagulwaltarech. and s tkongdavinzohmensotranio. and sihatalmkhzenk tabmanalsahifhenfeshagdimagdidal news. Hernández and enhamenrizaalmedinhalteizhafmentrafori. a brezlkkhalshvialajdzwaekhadraalmanhuaoua lanv first alagtassabaltehyalajanhhualgzaouali kmmenmanseatawahaddpinamakanttertvaaliak thervitrabukukagarlkmviazneh. Despite persecution, nehriattiyalacoctahadltzhradowaelmadelat nerizahinydhtahadmanalmedinhalshababachn Youth City Achba eriza

And nereza cities. [Koo] specific heat one thing engines. Her mile rotato of map percentage case. The question is sotranio. Tendon and different page floating dock torkstrevelo. Computer and decision. This the chrome mountain is heavy botasio from the steel seal. The general amnesty is endurance. It draws from the rear corner of alkyl benzene service and fear. Old person Hu plug person. Foreign nation kruji. Sharif is 320telikonterol eyes previously [kath]. And nereza cities. The pitch not only respected the gas tarmakadumrasgonis of the star the time when it is unique, is. [coh] The [u] ten:00 five, that time in compliance with the escort protection which is a switch which it cleans the arthritis which is combined. The beer and smell of their trade and the food safety and it knows in only value the tobacco smoke. It the place where I extreme it comes from this house. It loves. A older his type consoles bothels makilaji piers. To official approval and target gray and this case, elegy it did not come but. Until gray it was under meaningless and the history was not presented. sotranio it is like this tomorrow morning. It demands the new the bookstore where old newspaper information which is identical. From trafori things which it inspects the nereza cities. To different one side the roller needle secret information which knows the interval which is being opened. It is many trabukokagarmanseata ears rape you wing and the food for. He is young and city nereza ratio alihenrizamanalmedinh Achba violence and oppression illumination and expense to seem. From Barclays potmaturmanhmahark.

E cidades do nereza. [Koo] motores específicos da coisa do calor um. Seu rotato da milha do caso da porcentagem do mapa. A pergunta é sotranio. Tendon e torkstrevelo diferente da doca flutuando da página. Computador e decisão. Este a montanha do cromo é botasio pesado do selo de aço. O amnesty geral é resistência. Extrai do canto traseiro do serviço e do medo alkyl do benzene. Pessoa velha do plugue de Hu da pessoa. Kruji extrangeiro da nação. Sharif é os olhos 320telikonterol previamente [kath]. E cidades do nereza. O passo respeitado não somente os tarmakadumrasgonis do gás da estrela o tempo quando é original, é. [coh] [u] os dez: 00 cinco, essa vez na conformidade com a proteção da escolta que é um interruptor que limpe o arthritis que é combinado. A cerveja e o cheiro de seu comércio e a segurança e ele do alimento sabem somente no valor o fumo do tabaco. Ele o lugar aonde o extremo de I ele vem desta casa. Ama. Um mais velho seu tipo consola cais do makilaji dos bothels. À aprovaçã0 oficial e alvo cinzentos e este caso, elegy não veio mas. Até que o cinza ele estêve sob sem sentido e a história não foi apresentada. sotranio realiza-se como esta manhã do amanhã. Exige o novo a livraria onde a informação velha do jornal que é idêntica. Das coisas do trafori que inspeciona as cidades do nereza. Ao um lado diferente o rolo needle a informação secreta que sabe o intervalo que está sendo aberto. É violação que de muitas orelhas do trabukokagarmanseata você voa e o alimento para. É violência nova e da cidade do nereza da relação do alihenrizamanalmedinh de Achba e iluminação e despesa do oppression parecer. Do potmaturmanhmahark de Barclays

E cities of the nereza. [Koo] motor specific of the thing of heat one. Its rotato of the mile of the case of the percentage of the map. The question is sotranio. Different Tendon and torkstrevelo of the dock berth floating of the page. Computer and decision. This the mountain of chromium botasio is weighed of the steel stamp. Amnesty general is resistance. It extracts of it I sing back of the service and the fear alkyl of benzene. Old person of the plug of Hu of the person. Extrangeiro Kruji of the nation. Sharif is the eyes 320telikonterol previously [kath]. E cities of the nereza. The respected step not only the tarmakadumrasgonis of the gas of the star the time when it is original, is. [coh] [u] the ten: 00 five, this time in conformity with the protection of the escort that is an interruptor who cleans the arthritis that are combined. The beer and I smell it of its commerce and the security and it of the food only knows in the value the tobacco of the tobacco. It it place where the extremity of I it comes of this house. He loves. Older one its type consoles wharf of makilaji of bothels. To aprovaçã0 official and white grays and this in case that, elegy did not come but. Until the ash meaningless it estêve under and history was not presented. sotranio is become fullfilled as this morning of tomorrow. It demands the new a bookstore where the old information of the periodical that is identical. Of the things of trafori that it inspects the cities of the nereza. To the one different side the coil needle the private information that knows the interval that is being opened. It is breaking that of many ears of the trabukokagarmanseata you fly and the food stops. It is new violence and of the city of the nereza of the relation of alihenrizamanalmedinh of Achba and illumination and expenditure of oppression to seem. Of potmaturmanhmahark of Barclays.

soy la obscuridad de la ciudad. la araña hinchada que se mezcla. telaraña fea y hecha girar para las millas. soy la mancha en el subterráneo. la lámina en tu jaula de la costilla que tuerce como un taladro. concreto y cristal. cromo y acero. soy el olor del callejón. servir el piss y temer que se rezaga en esquinas de la gasolina. una vieja señora real que la cruje las faldas. el noble y telecontrol tiene gusto distante del hielo en una colina. soy la obscuridad de la ciudad. una sombra que refleja el paso del tiempo con los rasgones del tarmacadum y las estrellas de neón. oler la basura que se rezaga en canales derramados col. oír el sonido del comercio el tocar hasta con humo barato de la cerveza inglesa y del perfume y del cigarrillo. hay violencia al azar. hay sexo loveless. hay bootheels en los pavimentos agrietados como viejo maquillaje. hay negro y hay blanco y hay colores entre pero nada es gris en esta situación gris cuando la lluvia llena tus llamadas del cerebro y de la historia. y sigue mañana en el capricho del subterráneo. y el grito de los vendedores del periódico las mismas viejas nuevas noticias. soy la obscuridad de la ciudad que se arrastra de los túneles. ese hace furtivamente en las piezas verdes para que el aire fresco respire. las ratas tienen alas y son alimentadas por el puñado mientras que suben para arriba en colmo para cagar en tus oídos. y el río da la persecución a las luces reflejadas del taxi mientras que la obscuridad de la ciudad persigue fantasmas jóvenes.

2 Ummæli:

Blogger Russell CJ Duffy sagði...

if this is, what i think it might once have been, then it is nothing like what it was but is amazing anyway.
really, really like this.

23. mars 2007 kl. 08:40  
Blogger Lazare sagði...

yes it is...

always a pleasure

23. mars 2007 kl. 10:34  

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