translated text of automatic form

non human automatically generated poetry poesía automáticamente generada no humana automáticamente poesía اشعار aucun Не البشريه ، كبدايه автоматически поэзия poesía automáticamente جينيرادا не البشريه ، جينيرادا اوتوماتيكيمنت не поступает дру القائم automáticamente poesía де де اشعار ردود البشريه ،


jazmín rollers for Cocaine Jesus

the baby of the baby treats dirty yellow fall in me as decay your tongue-piece in my rollers of the tongue-piece my thoughts in the passion with jazmín wild and to the juniper persuades your autumn to open itself in green of the means and the fresh sighs and of the velvet the baby of the dirty yellow fall of convites of the baby to me in me as decay your tongue-piece-piece in my tongue-piece-piece rolls my thoughts in the passion with jazmín and the wild juniper to persuade your autumn to open itself to relax green and fresh and the sighs of terciopelobaby baby treat me dirty yellow fall on me like decay your tongue on my tongue rolls my thoughts into passion with wild jasmine and to to juniper to you persuade your autumn to open to spring green and fresh and velvet sighs the baby of the baby treats dirty yellow fall to me in me like decay your tongue-piece in my tongue-piece rolls my thoughts in the passion with jazmín and to juniper wild to persuades your autumn to open itself to loosen green and fresh and sighs of the velvet

the baby of the dirty yellow fall of feasts of baby to me in me ace weakening your language-piece in my language-piece rolls my thoughts in passion with the expenses wild JAZMÍN and to genévrier to persuades your autumn to open to detach the green and and the sighs of velvet the baby of the dirty yellow fall of banquets of the baby to me in me like the weakening of your language-piece in my language-piece rolls my thoughts in the passion with the wild JAZMÍN and more to genévrier to persuade your autumn to open itself to separate green and the costs and the sighs of the velvet

el bebé de la caída amarilla sucia de banquetes del bebé a mí en mí as que debilita tu lengua-pedazo en mi lengua-pedazo rueda mis pensamientos en la pasión con los costos JAZMÍN salvaje y a más genévrier persuade tu otoño para abrirse para separar el verde y y los suspiros del terciopelo el bebé de la caída amarilla sucia de los banquetes del bebé a mí en mí como el debilitamiento de tu lengua-pedazo en mi lengua-pedazo ruedan mis pensamientos en la pasión con el JAZMÍN salvaje y más a más genévrier para persuadir tu otoño para abrirse para separar verde y los costes y los suspiros del terciopelo

私の私への赤ん坊の宴会の汚れた黄色い落下の赤ん坊は私の言語部分のあなたの言語部分を衰弱させるエース私の言語部分のあなたの言語部分の弱まることが野 生JAZMÍNの情熱の私の思考を転がすそしてgenévrierへの多くもっと分けるようにそれ自身を開けるように秋を転がすと同時に野生の費用 JAZMÍNのそしてgenévrierへの情熱の私の思考をもっと彼女説得するあなたのあなたのビロードの緑および費用およびため息分けるためにそれ自 身を開けるように秋を説得するようにビロードの緑そしておよびため息私の私への赤ん坊の宴会の汚れた黄色い落下の赤ん坊

Au régal de mon bébé il est devenu mon sale, quant au bébé du jaune en chute il roule ma pensée de la passion du wildness JAZMÍN qui votre pièce de langue de l'as ma pièce de langue qui fait votre pièce de langue de ma pièce de langue s'affaiblir devient faible dans l'ordre et pour diviser à genévrier principalement plus, afin de s'ouvrir que lui-même, quand la chute est roulée, dans l'ordre coûter simultanément JAZMÍN de wildness et vert dont de votre votre velours elle persuade ma pensée de la passion à genévrier davantage et coût et soupir pour s'ouvrir que lui-même afin de se diviser, la manière la chute est persuadée, vert du velvetAnd et au régal le soupir mon bébé il est devenu le mon sale, le bébé du jaune en chute

With the treat of my baby it became my dirty, as for the baby of the yellow in fall it rolls my thought of the passion of the wildness JAZMÍN which your part of language of the ace my part of language which makes your part of language of my part of language weaken becomes weak in the order and to divide with genévrier mainly more, in order to open that itself, when the fall is rolled, in the order simultaneously to cost JAZMÍN of wildness and green of which of your your velvet it more persuades my thought of passion with genévrier and cost and sigh to open that itself in order to divide, the manner the fall is persuaded, green velvetAnd and with the treat the sigh my baby it became it my dirty, the baby of the yellow in fall

2 Ummæli:

Blogger Russell CJ Duffy sagði...

funny thing is, my wifes name is jasmine.

6. febrúar 2007 kl. 09:21  
Blogger Lazare sagði...

this is based on YOUR poem, so I guess the name appeared there originaly ______

it did

february 3rd on discharge:

baby baby treat me dirty yellow
fall on me like decay
your tongue
on my tongue
rolls my thoughts into passion
with wild JASMINE and juniper
to persuade your autumn
to open to spring
and fresh
and velvet sighs


so, I didn't know, but this was dedicated to her as well.....

THAT was a very nice poem__

I processed it (via automatic translator) and I obtained this

not so nice

but at least it is not HUMAN


it is a present for you (CJ&jasmine)

because we like DISCHARGE



6. febrúar 2007 kl. 10:14  

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